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Add GBA Emulator and GBA Roms to iPod Touch

Posted by iPod Touch | Posted in , | Posted on Saturday, November 24, 2007

After performing the below tutorial, you will need to download the gba_bios.bin file for this to work. To do that, go to Google, type in "gba bios bin filefront" and click "I'm feeling lucky". After you do that, log in to WinSCP, navigate to /Applications/ and upload the gba_bios.bin file there. Remember to CHMOD it to 755 also!

1. Tap Installer.App, and go to the "Games" category. Scroll down to "gpSPhone" and Tap!


2. Tap the "Install button to install the gpSPhone application.


3. Exit the Installer App, and allow your iPod Touch to restart.

4. You should now see a new icon for the "gpSPhone" App. Congrats,
you now have a GBA Emulator on your iPhone or iPod Touch. All you need
to do is add Games. So follow the below steps to add games.

5. Open up WinSCP or use iBrickr to navigate to /private/var/root/Media. Create a folder named "ROMs".

6. Double-click the folder you just created, so you should be at /private/var/root/Media/ROMs. Create another folder named GBA.

Now all you need to do is CHMOD the "ROMs" folder and the "GBA" folder to 755.

8. You can upload all your roms to /private/var/root/Media/ROMs, just make sure you CHMOD all your roms to 755.

GBA iPod Touch

Now you can play games on your iPod Touch/iPhone! Enjoy.

Comments (12)

And how do you change the GBA ROM folders to 755 via CHMOD again?


Right-click the file you want to CHMOD, click CHMOD, and type in 755, or whatever permissions you want to CHMOD the file to.

i cant find gba bios bin filefront this in file front can u help me

I dont have "install" on my wrong with it??!


What do you mean you dont have install.
Do you even have the installer on your Iphone(pod)?

is there a way to put the gpSP app in the ipod without SCP or without the whole wifi thing?

does this work on the 2.1 version of the iphone?

hi um i just got an ipod touch and i have no clue what winscp is and what the installer is so can u explain and help me out plz?

why dont i see the gpSPhone in my games??? or anywhere at all???

the folder u put the roms in is wrong on this article... u put the roms in /var/mobile/Media/ROMs/GBA/ and you do not have to create the ROMs and GBA folder cus they will be there already once u installed the GBA emulator

u have to have ur ipod jailbroken in order to have the installer app. if u have no clue what or how to jailbreak ur iphone google it. Without jailbreaking u cant have the gba emulator on ur iphone.

what dose CHMOD mean?

Thanks for the info!